All AGM proposals passed

Castle Private Equity AG announces that the ordinary general meeting today approved all items proposed.

  1. The approval of the 2020 annual report, the company and consolidated accounts occurred with 99.9 per cent of votes;
  2. Appropriation of the balance sheet deficit was approved with 99.9 per cent of votes;
  3. The discharge of the board of directors and the general manager was approved with 99.3 per cent of votes;
  4. A capital repayment of CHF 3.00 per share was approved with 99.9 per cent of votes;
  5. Gilbert Chalk, Dr Konrad Bächinger, Thomas Amstutz and Heinz Nipp were re-elected as members of the board of directors with an average of 92.9 per cent of votes;
  6. Gilbert Chalk was re-elected as chairman of the board of directors with 92.8 per cent of votes;
  7. Heinz Nipp and Dr Konrad Bächinger were elected as members of the compensation committee with 89.1 per cent of votes;
  8. The compensation of the board of directors was approved with 87.3 per cent of votes;
  9. The compensation of the executive management was approved with 87.2 per cent of votes;
  10. Mr Peter Marty has been appointed as an independent proxy for the company with 100 per cent of votes;
  11. The election of PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. As auditors for a further term of one year was approved with 89.4 per cent of votes.

18.2 per cent of shares issued were represented at the meeting.

11 May 21, 6:00 PM

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